Getting pregnant

This is the most likely way!

You want nothing more than a baby?
If you are healthy and this also applies to your partner, nothing should stand in the way of your family planning. To be on the safe side, you can have a checkup beforehand: With the help of an ultrasound examination, for example, your gynecologist will check whether your ovaries are working as they should. And the urologist will use a sperm analysis to determine to what extent your partner is capable of conceiving. But the most important thing is: relax! Especially if you have been using the pill for a long time, it can take a few cycles for your body to adjust.

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Tip 1: Find the right time

Of course, it is beneficial to have sexual intercourse as often as possible in the beginning. However, the timing is also crucial. Only during your fertile days there is a possibility for you to become pregnant and unfortunately this period is very short.

Tip 2: Define fertile days

For this you can use a special ovulation calculator. Once you have calculated your next ovulation, you should plan some romantic hours with your partner during the two days before and after. The more, the better.

Tip 3: Avoid stress

Stress and psychological pressure have a great influence on pregnancy. If the desire for a baby is too great, the body sometimes goes on strike. Especially the desire to have a child should not degenerate into stress, because you will only achieve the opposite. Do not let yourself be stressed at work either. Yoga, regular walks and sports can provide a good balance. Also make sure that you get enough sleep at night.

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Tip 4: Eat healthy!

Pregnancy is a challenge for your body. Prepare it beforehand and pay attention to your diet. You should especially reach for fresh fruits and vegetables. Dairy products and whole grain foods are also healthy and provide your body with nutrients. You should avoid the consumption of alcohol and nicotine. You can also provide your body with a little folic acid. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, this vitamin supports the healthy development of your baby, but folic acid can also prepare your body effectively before pregnancy.

Here you will find a selection of suitable dietary supplements directly available to order online:
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NFP Calender

Natural family planning with the NFP method - 54 cycle tables to track your period.

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A-Z Vitamins for men

These vitamins for men contain carefully selected vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a singular tablet for everyday.


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